Строительство » What to pay attention to when choosing a children's car seat
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What to pay attention to when choosing a children's car seat

  • 14-03-2019, 18:21

What to pay attention to when choosing a children's car seat

Now everyone understands how much it is necessary to use children's car seats. Even considering that in Ukraine its use is not mandatory, every normal parent should take care of protecting his children. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of seats and accessories for them. It is better to buy them in specialized stores and in any case "from hand"! The use of the chair could be a participant in the accident and have defects that reduce its characteristics. Do not regret the time and do not be too lazy to study all the many models, carefully check the certificates of conformity and consult with the sales consultant. Ideally, you must “try on” the chair for your car to make sure their design is suitable for each other. Pay attention to the convenience of the child. The belts should not crash into the neck or crush on the sides, it is better if they have soft pads. If the age of the child allows, be sure to put him in a chair and ask how convenient he is. Safety rules:- the belts should be adjusted so that two of your fingers are placed between them and the child;- the chair should fit tightly to the car's seat;- it is necessary to make sure that the chair corresponds to the growth and weight of the child- this is a prerequisite to ensure its safety; - You can not install a chair facing the “back” to the road, on the seat equipped with a pillow of safety! This can lead to a serious injury or death of a child in case of an accident;- choose a model with a dense side protection aimed at ensuring the protection of the head and neck of the child. If you still have not set the chair for your child, think about statistics: in Europe, since the introduction of the law on the mandatory use of children's car chairs, the mortality of children in an accident has decreased by 3.5 times.

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