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However, there are more sound reasoning.

  • 22-10-2018, 13:16

It seems that the answer is clear to everyone and without explanation. After all, the existing law of January 1, 2007 states that everyone must necessarily use the holding device for their children. However, on forums about children's car seats, that issue still causes a lot of disagreements. Many mothers say that it is better to carry a child in their arms. Especially if the child is a newborn, then there is nothing better than mom's care. And if the child can already sit, then you can fasten it with standard seat belts. However, there are more sound reasoning. Imagine you hold the child in your arms. Your weight and weight of your child is much different. If a collision occurred, then you can simply crush your child yourself. This can lead to undesirable consequences. On the forums about the Car Seats of the discussion, it is also conducted about the seat belts. How the car safety belts are different? Why you can’t just attach the child with a regular seat belt? Remember that the internal belts of car safety are tightly adjacent to your child and go strictly over the shoulders. The standard car seat belts are very large for your child. And they cannot ensure any safety to your little passenger.

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