Строительство » Using a children's chair in a car
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Using a children's chair in a car

  • 27-02-2019, 16:49

Using a children's chair in a car

Absolutely all parents are obliged to install a children's chair, since it is with its help that you can protect your child from severe injuries and damage during a vehicle skiing. The chair should be firmly and reliably fixed, since otherwise it can significantly increase the threat to damage the child. To carry out the correct installation, each model has special stickers, which depict the instructions for the correct installation. The standard seat belts of any vehicle cannot create the necessary level of protection and safety for your child during the movement of the vehicle, since they are designed for the body of an adult. Many parents are interested in which the age of the child can be used by a special car chair? At the moment, there is no exact answer as such, but according to statistics, this indicator is eleven to twelve years. Why there is no accurate answer? The fact is that the children's car seat is calculated for a certain age and growth of the child. The transportation of a child without the use of a children's car is permitted only if his height is at least thirty -six kilograms, and height is at least one and a half meters. In other cases, you can get a fine for the lack of a specialized car chair. From now on, for the absence of a children's car chair you will have to pay about three thousand rubles. And besides, recently, a fine of a fine began to grow rapidly, so it makes sense to think about the acquisition of this product. When buying a children's car, the question arises of how to choose it at all? Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that in accordance with specialized standards and generally accepted classification of products, five main groups can be distinguished, depending on different parameters: the growth of the child and its weight. And therefore, before choosing a car child, be sure to weigh and measure your child to know exactly which group and category chair you need to choose to ensure maximum comfort and safety in use

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