Строительство » The vibrating steering wheel will help not to go astray to cyclists and drivers.
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The vibrating steering wheel will help not to go astray to cyclists and drivers.

  • 5-02-2019, 13:21

The vibrating steering wheel will help not to go astray to cyclists and drivers.

The rays of the sun, reflected from snow, as well as headlights from cars passing along the oncoming lane, make it difficult to move along the highway. This often causes the creation of an emergency on the road, and can also cause a serious accident. An attempt to protect drivers from getting into unpleasant situations was made by Elke Folmer and Burkaihau, developers from the University of Nevada. Scientists have developed a steering system, the principle of operation of which is to warn the driver that he is leaving his lane with the help of vibration. The system analyzes the data of the GPS navigator, as well as the camera that monitors the position of the vehicle on the road. The device is equipped with a sensor for fixing bright flashes and glare. The program, noting that the driver was blinded, and the car leaves his strip, sends a signal to the steering wheel, which begins to vibrate (frequency of 275 Hz). According to the inventors, this frequency was not chosen by chance - such vibrations are best felt by our skin. The system also suggests which direction the car deviated from the intended course. The novelty has established itself well during testing with the participation of 12 people. However, the invention has one defect-the authors did not note that drivers do not always hold the steering wheel right, because of this, their hands may not fall into the vibration zone. The developers intend to eliminate this oversight, increasing the vibration zones of the steering wheel. Experts note that this system has a future and believe that soon it can become a standard option in many cars, like a pillow of safety. The presence of a huge number of "iron horses" in the United States bringing to the forefront of the safety of drivers. But in Amsterdam, where most inhabitants move on bicycles, they often think about the convenience of cyclists. For lovers of cycling, scientists from the University of Amsterdam offered a belt with a GPS navigator, prompting the owner of a two-wheeled machine using vibration, in which direction you need to turn the steering wheel. The device should help cyclists not only be better to navigate when traveling around the city, but also reduce the likelihood of injuries during bike rugs, t. To. A person will not need to be distracted to look at the navigator display.

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