Строительство » What should be a female car
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What should be a female car

  • 13-03-2019, 20:45

What should be a female car

Do not shift the difference between a male and female car. Ladies have long chosen transport for themselves on a principle that they are known only to them. What should be the girl's version of the machine? It seems that it is too difficult to give a definition right away, since girls want too much from their purchase. They can choose a car under the color of hair or eyes, but what can I say, even under a new handbag. At the same time, they are not worried about the power of the engine and gur, it is important that their girl is comfortable. Often, ladies are fond of what pay attention to completely superfluous options. Although, they can not even be called such, because they only need a cover. The woman wants the car to be small, bright and attractive. They are even perplexed why men do not choose an iron horse by the same principle. There is no need to make a riddle from the fact that for a woman it is rather a toy, and not a means of transportation. So what kind of popular accessories are ladies for their horses. Here we include cilia to the headlights, flavors for the passenger compartment with the smell of your favorite spirits, the steering wheel in the berry, and the color of the salon of a bright children's tone. And it doesn’t matter how many years the girl was driving, she will still continue to decorate her machine, like a schoolgirl. By the way, there is another caste of ladies who choose jeeps and do not tunen them in any way. For them, it is already considered cool and unusual that it is such fragile leads to Makhin. At the same time, it is not so important that the legs are barely reaching the pedigree and the seat is standing back to the steering wheel. Well, now you can think about why a woman needs a car? Of course, in order to save, so as not to pay for public transport. In which, by the way, the mink mantle is wiped and does not look so stylish. Sitting cars at the wheel, there are a lot of things to do, bringing the child to school, arrival in a cafe to meet with a girlfriend, sorting out shopping. Moreover, a girlfriend or neighbor already has her own Lalka, but she has not yet got. And you can always say that I was late because of the car breakdown. And it does not matter that it works perfectly, now there is an official reason for those who are going for a long time. And in the end, why to make excuses for her desires? After all, it is enough that she just wants to have a personal vehicle.

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