Строительство » However, semi-sprips are only attached to such cars.
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However, semi-sprips are only attached to such cars.

  • 22-10-2018, 10:57

Such a technique has a more powerful engine and the ability to transport bulky cargo construction in large megacities develops every new day, and despite the high technologies that are so popular today, after the construction of large structures, preference is given to powerful machines. So, such machines can perform the main function: “assemble” the building, and can also perform secondary. For example, simple trucks are excellent assistants in any construction, since with their help it is possible to quickly and efficiently transfer the load from one place to another. True, such cars have serious restrictions on the load and carrying capacity. Therefore, for transporting more massive cargo, more powerful equipment should be used. Such a technique has a more powerful engine and the ability to transport bulky cargoes. For example, saddle tractors have sufficient power in order to transport entire large parts of the building or other structure. Their average carrying capacity is about 50 tons, which allows one truck to transport, say, a huge windbreak blade. In addition, such cars are designed to ensure that they are joined by a semi-plot of any size and functionality. However, semi-sprips are only attached to such cars. Finally, there are many cases when trailers are needed by the car. Such devices are designed in order to transport low density goods on trucks, which in volume does not fit into the body. Accordingly, trailers are also of various sizes and differ in functionality.

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