Строительство » In China, a new sedan is released from the Cheri concern
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In China, a new sedan is released from the Cheri concern

  • 26-10-2018, 19:47

In China, a new sedan is released from the Cheri concern

In China, the release of a new sedan from the world famous Cheri concern was announced. He has already established himself well in the Russian and European markets. The novelty called Alpha 5 was a huge success within the framework of the Shanghai auto exhibition. However, the car will go to production no earlier than autumn 2015. Manufacturers have equipped a new sedan well. Under the hood of Alpha 5, a 1.6 liter engine is hidden, which is capable of developing power up to 126 horsepower. Developers also promise the appearance of a turbocharged motor of 1.2 liters in a sedan. The new Cher will be equipped with a 5 -speed manual box or box - variator. The new sedan exceeds the previous models in its technical parameters. On the basis of developments presented as part of the ALPHA 5 concept model, it is planned to put a sedan called Arrizo 5 in serial production, which will be very similar in technical characteristics to Alpha 5, with the exception of small differences. By releasing this model, manufacturers are guided, first of all, to the market of Western Europe. It is the hearts of Europeans who are designed to conquer the new Cher, very practical in their appearance and declared characteristics, they will occupy a significant niche in the automobile market. According to A5 forecasts, it will take a place between Bonus 3 and Arrizo 7, which have already managed to prove themselves in the automotive industry. Alpha 5 has an attractive appearance and streamlined body. The exterior of the car is not inferior to leading models from the most famous automobile concerns. One of the features of Alpha 5 was the placement of a wide sensory display designed to ensure comfort and safety during movement. The ergonomic and spacious salon made in light colors, using high -quality plastic, will like even the most demanding client. This novelty will not leave indifferent both the driver and passengers. Full technical characteristics and functional equipment are kept in secret, but judging by the announcement, they promise to be very impressive. The price range from the Cheri will begin from 460 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration and will be able to compete, both in Russia and in Europe.

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