Строительство » Mansory and Lamborghini Avenatador Mansory and Lamborghini Avenatador
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Mansory and Lamborghini Avenatador Mansory and Lamborghini Avenatador

  • 19-11-2018, 18:21

Mansory and Lamborghini Avenatador Mansory and Lamborghini Avenatador

Mansory first took up the refinement of the Italian supercar “Lamborghini Avenatador LP700-4”, but immediately showed serious results. Atelier experts not only added the compartment of the original body kit, but also replaced the front and rear wings, as well as the hood. Stylistic changes in the exterior and interior are complemented by the forced engine V12. The developers assure that only by optimizing the firmware of the control unit and replacing the release system they managed to raise the engine return from 700 to 754 liters. With., Reducing the acceleration time to “hundreds” from 2.9 to 2.8 s.

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