Строительство » The door and the roof remained unchanged, used from VAZ 21099.
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The door and the roof remained unchanged, used from VAZ 21099.

  • 17-01-2019, 12:10

Structurally, the VAZ 2115 is the restyling of a slightly forgotten, but used by the unusual popularity of the VAZ 21099 car. The start of the mass release dates back to 2001, however, due to the high level of safety, good design and reliability indicators, the machine is extremely popular so far from Russian and foreign motorists of different ages and social status. When comparing the appearance “VAZ 2115” and “VAZ 21099”, significant differences in many parameters are immediately noticeable. Regarding the design of the car, the developers took into account the main trends of the world automotive industry and modern, all over, requirements. It should be noted the smoothness of the lines and the streamlines of the form, the changes occurred both in the front and back of the car. The design of the design led to the creation of a convex hood form, the changes also affected the wings and front headlights. The color of the front and rear bumper coincides with the body. The door and the roof remained unchanged, used from VAZ 21099. The trunk spoiler is equipped with an additional “stop”-signal. Having changed the shape of the trunk lid, the developers managed to significantly increase the luggage compartment, now the opening of the opening to the rear bumper is available. The comfort of the cabin also increased due to new details and a number of modifications. Lighting technology "VAZA 2115" was significantly transformed. Such innovations positively affect the popularity of the car, buy more and more compatriots to buy VAZ 2115 in Moscow and other cities. Experts note the full compliance of the model with the most demanding criteria for both modern automobile and the safety standards of automobile traffic.

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