Строительство » Restyled hybrid NS 250H by Lexus
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Restyled hybrid NS 250H by Lexus

  • 18-12-2018, 13:32

Restyled hybrid NS 250H by Lexus

The Lexus NS 250H model for the first time on the world market appeared about a year ago, which cannot be said about Japan, where this model has been sold for 2.5 years. As Toyota manufacturers say, it is time for significant changes in the general design of machines and their leading to a more new style. The new HS250H product has gained another front part and more interior design options. As you managed to notice, many elements have changed, for example, the front part, like many other models of Toyota received a new radiator grille. Bumper bends became a little more expressive, the spliter has become more noticeable, and the car gained several additional air intakes, some are even a little embellished with patterns of LEDs. New front and back optics complement the perfect image. Japanese developers made changes on the dashboard, the central console and changed the interior decoration. As for the motor and engine, they have not suffered special changes. Lexus focused on the fact that this is one of the most prestigious cars. So, this will significantly increase the interest of customers in this model. HS 250H is also the most economical car among luxurious representatives of other brands. Also, this machine is to the category of environmentally friendly transport. According to manufacturers, the vehicle after use can be completely processed without harm to the world around him, since the salon is made from a bioport. The car is equipped with a navigation system that controls the running qualities. Many claim that this is a unique mix of comfort and compactness. Total length of 4.690 millimeters. The machine has a front -wheel drive unlike other models. According to many magazines, HS means Harmonious Sedan. The security system for the first time includes a side built -in camera, which itself regulates lighting in order not to distract the driver of another machine that goes to meet you. A large number of on -board cameras allow the driver not only to look around the corner, but also look from different angles. This system warns the driver about the approaching transport if he dozed off or distracted. The manufacturer does everything to avoid a large number of accidents on the road. Toyota, like no one else, takes care of you and your comfort.

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