Строительство » Updated 4th generation Forester: What has changed
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Updated 4th generation Forester: What has changed

  • 27-02-2019, 12:02

Updated 4th generation Forester: What has changed

The appearance has undergone non -leaf changes. The anterior optics repeats the headlights of impecues, that is, they “call” on the wings. The back optics is also different, including the front radiator grille. The Japanese completely remade the salon. The front racks of the roof pushed forward as much as 200 millimeters, thereby, the doorways became wider. The design of the salon floor is changed, approximately where the rear seat and the sofa, thereby increased the capacity of the trunk. The luggage compartment door is equipped with a servo. According to the creators, the interior decoration (materials) became better, and the car has become more spacious. The dimensions of the 4th generation Forester have become 35 millimeters longer, 15 millimeters wider and below the predecessor by 5 millimeters. The wheelbase increased by 25 millimeters and became 2640 millimeters. The total length of the car is 4595 millimeters, which is 90 millimeters longer than the Grand Vitara Suzuki and 45 millimeters shorter than Nissan X-Trail. The new Forester platform is the same as the improvisation. The chassis is equipped: in front of mcpherson flocks, and in the back with multi -link racks. In Japan, Forester is offered with two engines two liters. Atmospheric motor develops 148 horses and is installed on: new Forester, Impreza and XV. Such an engine will be paired with a variator of LineArtronic or with a mechanical KP. Subaru cars with mechanics are equipped with only a drive for all wheels and an interdessual differential. For cars with a variator, the role of such a differential is played by a multi -term clutch. 280 forces 280 turbocomotor with a volume of 2 liters, is a relative of the FA series engine installed on the BRZ car. With 280 strong motor, Forester will only be equipped with a variator. Forester has a X-Mode function, which changes the algorithm of the motor, the stabilization and transmission system. And the SI-Drive selector is now not on the central tunnel, but on the steering wheel. In the American market, Forester will not be sold with a 2 liter atmospheric, but a two and a half liter hopeless motor with a capacity of 170 horses, a turbo engine, now, deformed to 250 forces.

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