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Rally results in Finland: who became the winner

  • 13-12-2018, 18:45

Rally results in Finland: who became the winner

At the stage of the WRC rally in Finland, multiple world champion Sebastian Leb again won brilliant victory and increased his gap from the pursuers in the absolute standings. This is the second victory of the legendary French racer at the Finnish stage. The current champion all the weekend fought with his teammate Sebastian Ozhier and the Ford Pilot Yari-Matti Latvala, but in the last morning the races of the multi-permissive lab was made by the question of the winner of the rally Swinkle. All three leaders used different tactics, but they were all intended to not be the first to go to the high -speed section of the last day of the race (that is, to be the second or third, but with the most minimum margin). But for Leb, the position at the start of the first dopa on Sunday was not a problem. With visible ease, he gained on it 10 seconds advantages over his main rivals and, in the end, won the Finland rally. Now he became the first not Scandinav in history to win this WRC stage twice. Owier was disappointed with the stage after the puncture of the wheel deprived him of the opportunity to take the second place, which in the end went to Latv. Yari-Matti, however, did not all the time corresponded to the speed of the French duet due to incorrect settings at the beginning of the weekend, but then the error was corrected, and Finn began to go noticeably faster. Latvaly's partner Mikko Hirvonen was tangibly slower than three leaders most of the Ralia, especially since the mistake on the first Su Rally led to Mikko’s departure from the road and the loss of two minutes. According to the results of the first for Hirvonen, it was only the 36th, but to the finish line Mikko became the fourth. But the speed of Peter Solberg this time did not allow him to count on the victory. Peter finished only the fifth in 1 minute 16.2 seconds behind Leba.

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