Строительство » Jenson Batton Pilot "McLarena" became the owner of the Hungarian Grand Prix of Hungary
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Jenson Batton Pilot "McLarena" became the owner of the Hungarian Grand Prix of Hungary

  • 12-11-2018, 17:17

Jenson Batton Pilot "McLarena" became the owner of the Hungarian Grand Prix of Hungary

Jenson Batton, who took part in the two hundreds of the race in his sports career, became the owner of the Hungarian Grand Prix. Last Sunday, at the 70th circle of the Hungary Grand Prix, the eleventh racing tour of the World Cup in the Formula 1 category ended. The race started in pouring rain, and, as the pilots overcame the distances, the weather changed and the weather changed. The sufficiently interesting and spectacular Grand Prix as a result demonstrated to the fans (as usual, the stands around the highway were filled mainly by Ferrari fans) an active and aggressive struggle and apparently returned the intrigue to the competition. The leader of the current World Championship Sebastian Vettel from the Red Bull team began to pass the distance with the Powl-Upers at the very beginning, he could not resist the onslaught of two McLarens, but, however, quickly surrendered to the massive attacks of Lewis Hamilton. Following them, an equally spectacular struggle unfolded: by all their might sought to recoup the Ferrari pilots unsuccessfully performing at the beginning, the pilots of the Mercedes tried to defend their positions. And only Vitaly Petrov failed to please his fans. He remained only in 12 positions, at the beginning of the second ten. Probably, the Russian racer was again prevented by the too cautious tactics of the team, and, possibly, Petrov himself was simply not ready for quite difficult Grand Prix conditions. For a long period of time, Vettel, who lost his position to Hamilton, tried to get to the Englishman, but the work of the Red Bull mechanics on the night of Friday to Saturday did not bring results. As part of the qualification, the German racer managed to overtake the "silver arrows", but in the race he lacked speed. As a result, after the very first Pit Stop Vettel, the partner of Hamilton Jenson Batton was able to overtake, and McLaren pilots confidently headed for the golden oak. They, in general, did not have competitors. Active attacks were applied by Mark Webber Fernando Alonso, a mass of Felipe actively broke forward, after the fight with which Schumacher himself turned around. Schumacher was even able to hold out in the leaders of the race when passing a whole circle when he dragged on with the very first race in boxes. However, after this circle, the world champion turned into boxes - the track became dryer, and it was necessary to change the tires.

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