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Features of the fight in Germany on the Hockeyheim highway

  • 21-09-2018, 16:41

Features of the fight in Germany on the Hockeyheim highway

The next fight took place in Germany, on the Hockeyheim highway, managing to slightly spoil the public idea of the German concept of purity and stability. Literally in the first seconds of the race, Felipe Massa and Daniel Rickyardo collided, as a result of which the first lost the anterior anti -wing, leaving part of his car a homelessly wallow on the German highway. It would not hurt the owners to go, but for inexplicable reasons, the wreckage rested for a long time on the roadway for a long time, having managed to prevent the passing marathon and tear off the tires of Lewis Hamilton from McLaren into the dust, this was the reason for the reason why Hamilton left the racing battle. Interesting driving methods were performed by Sebastian Vettel, pretty trampled, managed to replenish the team’s pocket with a penalty ticket for overtaking the opponent, going beyond the track. For the inappropriate maneuver of the Germans, they moved from second place to the fifth. As a result, Fernando Alonso, Jenson Batton and Kimi Raikkonen had to climb the podium. Schumacher finished the seventh, Petrov sixteenth. And now we will transfer to other, but no less emotional competition "Silk Road". The famous rally competition, which is held in the vastness of Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. This year, riders took a start in Moscow, ending in Gelendzhik. The rally competition of the class of SUVs ended in the victory of the Russian athlete Boris Gadasin. Also in the class of trucks, Ayrat Mardeev presented pleasant surprises for the team, managing to pick up the red-blue-white flag at Eduard Nikolaev, which was bogged down in the swamp and proudly give the banner to the finish line. Our “Red Ring” also did not cool this month. At the end of June, a new record was set on the highway. For 59.133 seconds, Anton Zhbara at his Seat Leon managed to come to the finish line. Love speed, sport, but do not forget about the rules of the road and the safety of others. See you!

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