Строительство » Felipe Mass is removed from the composition of Ferrari
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Felipe Mass is removed from the composition of Ferrari

  • 24-09-2018, 11:33

Felipe Mass is removed from the composition of Ferrari

From the main composition of the cult Italian team, the pilot was removed, which is perhaps one of its most famous members. We are talking about Felipa Mass. This Brazilian athlete spent an impressive eight in this team, but already at the end of the current season he will go into free swimming, having completed many years of cooperation with the Italian stable. Moreover, the official statement was not the first source that survived the mass public about this event. This was done by the racer personally, posting this news on social networks. Now it does not matter what results will be demonstrated by the racer in the upcoming competitions, the question is already resolved-his place will depart someone else. A year ago they wanted to dismiss him, but he was able to avoid this, and now there was no reason to avoid a reason-the season, frankly, was not at least any successful for the famous racer. Therefore, although the team was going to soon announce the composition of the pilots that they would begin to take part in competitions in 2016, their task was partially simplified due to the fact that the Brazilian personally made the statement at least about himself. He reported that it is already exactly the next season that he was full of Ferrari both through Twitter’s and through Instagram’s. The mass told his fans that he was very grateful to the team for all those victories, for all those fantastic moments that turned out to be in its composition. He thanked his wife, family, he thanked the fans and sponsors, pointed out the support that he received stably. He stated that he intends to prove himself as much as possible in the remaining seven races, and then start the search for the team that could provide him with a car that would be competitive, because for him it still remains a key goal and task of victory in races. And he still intends to fight for the title of champion with full enthusiasm, as he had always done before. Recall that the Brazilian fell into the team back in 2016, when he performed with the legendary Michael Schumacher. He never won the championship title as part of this team, although in 2016 he was incredibly close to this - then the fate of Trophia decided literally in the last round, but, alas, not in favor of Felipe, by no means. Often even his partners were more popular than he. But statistically it is very effective for the team.

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