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With what results the Ford team completed the championship

  • 20-03-2019, 16:07

With what results the Ford team completed the championship

The second season in a row, the Ford team is completing the international rally championship, scores in each stage of the competition. The team managed to effectively complete the 28 rally - today it is the best result of the championship. Marco Tintin showed the best time on 52 special stages. 48 of them, he overcame Focus RS WRC on the new rally car, which the team management decided to take to the highway before the fourth stage of the rally in April. The characteristics of the new car will certainly help the team in the championship. The routes of one of the most difficult stages of the rally of this year ran through the forests of South Wales. High -speed areas covered with gravel were blurred by November rains, and sometimes even covered with ice. The situation was worsened by a dense fog, dropped onto the track during one of the races. Francois Duval began the race very carefully. Its main goal was to familiarize himself with the road as best as possible, because he had practically no experience on this highway. Due to problems with the transmission and non-betrayal of the brake system that arose at the end of the day, Duval lost time. Despite this, he managed to complete the first stage in seventh place. In the second race, the racer felt much more confident and, showing three times in a row the best time, took sixth place. Having made the decision not to risk during the final circle, he still managed to come to the finish line fifth, since the car who overtook it got off the track. Despite serious problems with the engine cooling system that occurred at the beginning of the race, Twitin held third place. The techniques tried to eliminate the problems, but as soon as the car drove away from the maintenance station by two kilometers, the temperature of the oil and water rose sharply, and the dummen had to get out of the distance to protect the engine from the breakdown.

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