Строительство » Shortcomings of the Bugatti brand car: what's wrong
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Shortcomings of the Bugatti brand car: what's wrong

  • 21-12-2018, 17:17

Shortcomings of the Bugatti brand car: what's wrong

For some reason, it is with the brand of Bugatti that this tragic event that influenced the history of the development of automotiveism is associated with the Bugatti brand. The name Isadora Duncan was widely known to both the world and the Russian bohemia, in which the famous American ballerina and dancer entered as the wife of the poet Sergei Yesenin. A lot can be said about this woman, but we will touch on only one of the inconspicuous part of the history of her life. Angele Isadore Dankan, and this is how this woman was really called, it was strictly contraindicated in dealing with cars. And it was the car that turned the life of one of the most famous women of his time into real hell. This began with the fact that in 1913, a heavy sedan with her children, Patrick and Deidri lost control and fell in the Sena. According to some reports, the ill -fated car was a "Buyik", but not a model of a year of production is unknown. According to witnesses, when the car was pulled out of the river, the girl was still breathing, but I did not work to save the children of Isadora. After a terrible tragedy, the life of Isadora Duncan acquired a black and white color, and even a marriage with Yesenin did not dilute it with bright colors. The clearance came when in the life of a 50-year-old Duncan, a handsome man appeared on the beautiful blue "Bugatti". She was happy that day, and the luxurious silk scarf fluttered in the wind. But when the car gained speed, the silk fabric of the scarf dragged on the knitting needles of the wheel, and after some seconds, the beautiful thing became a stray, and broke the dancer's neck. The scarf was torn into souvenirs as an old symbol of good luck, and according to legend, it is since then that the Bugatti’s elite cars have never been put up. Considering the fact that the elite French brand set the fashion course in those distant times, soon almost all the brands have forgotten about the spitting wheels, which opened a new page in the development of the history of automobile design.

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