Строительство » Symbol "Spanish suiz": what is
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Symbol "Spanish suiz": what is

  • 8-01-2019, 15:47

Symbol "Spanish suiz": what is

Now Rolls-Royce, Bentley, or at worst, Mercedes is considered the standard of luxury and wealth. But there were times when the English brand looked pale, against the backdrop of its famous, luxurious and unfortunately forgotten competitors today. Even before the Second World War, Rolls-Royce, was only one of the representatives of elite brands of cars. But in the end, only he remained, and his great rivals became the property of history. Now each of these cars costs a lot of money, and is a living monument to a short, but such bright times of greatness. Flying stork on a chrome radiator, smooth lines, and incredible reliability in addition to uniqueness and originality. Such was the Spanish-Suiza, the legendary Spanish-Swiss brand, which successfully competed with the English automobile nobility led by the stiff and strict Rolls-Royce. The brand was constantly on the verge of life and death, but this did not prevent her from building real auto -proceedings, which were proud of such personalities as King Siam, Persian shah, Andre Dubonne, and many very famous people, including the king, Alfons, thanks to which the car actually received recognition. Each Spanish-Suis was unique because it was made by individual orders using a proven chassis and engine. Mark owes its existence to Mark Birgigt and Huan Castro. It was they who did everything so that the brand not only lasted 30 years, but also shone as bright as possible. The symbol “Spanish Suiza”, a stork, was a symbol of the famous pilot - Asa, Georges Guineme, and after his death, Mark Birgigt made a symbol of his squadron with his emblem, under which his brainchild entered the legends. The journalist’s semi -reward outline was preserved that at one time the legendary brand had a test for reliability and quality of manufacture, in order to advertise. The car drove a difficult route and was parked on a snow -white piece of paper. Everyone froze in anticipation, but did not fall on paper, not a drop of oil. This machine was "Spanish Suiza". Mark suffered financial collapse in 1935. Neither reputation nor fame was saved by these genuine masterpieces. On the nodes and details of the Spanish Suiza, until 1944, trucks were produced for the needs of the army. But the brand herself irrevocably sunk into oblivion. Today, a fairly large number of cars of this brand have been preserved, and still, flaunting at exhibitions and museums, they make hearts freeze with delight, striking with their beauty and grandeur.

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