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Therefore, you can not worry about the wiring.

  • 11-02-2019, 16:46

In a storage -type water heater, as well as in the suppurate there is ten, heating water to the temperature given to it, after which the disconnecting. As soon as the water cools up to 0.5 s - the heating element will turn on automatically again and heated the water to the required temperature. In order to decrease heat loss between the tank and the external body of the water heater, there is a thermal insulation from solid foam. The storage water heater has another advantage - its average capacity of about two kilowatts. Therefore, you can not worry about the wiring. The storage -type water heater is automatically filled with water. There are special switches on it, with which you can choose the required temperature for heating water. The advantages of this device are that at any moment the consumer can heat for himself a large volume of water of the required temperature for various use: acceptance of a shower, bath, washing dishes. Before connecting the water heater - unpack it and check for integrity. After installing a place for it for operation. Then bring the electricity. Make a test drive through the water heater to make sure that everything works properly.

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