Строительство » How to wash the car correctly: tips, rules
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How to wash the car correctly: tips, rules

  • 19-10-2018, 16:56

How to wash the car correctly: tips, rules

For some of us, the situation will look a little delusional when you are offered to remember the rules for washing your car. After all, everyone believes that there are no difficulties in this matter. To do this, it is enough to arm yourself with a rag, washing and water, and then wash the sides of your iron horse. But, nevertheless, let me point to you some mistakes that they may meet on your way. Well, to use water when washing a car, this is a very rule. That's just when river water is in use or too hot, nothing good should be waiting. See for yourself, from such interaction, your paintwork can be damaged. The first problems are usually not visible at first to the eye. So, to soften water, you will need precisely automobile shampoo, which will help soften the water. Moreover, it contains a number of substances, which contributes to care and does not hurt the surface of the car in any way. Only there you can learn a lot of useful and interesting things about foreign cars. Let's talk, what is part of the shampoo for cars. Usually everything is very transparent there, which allows you to use the solution not only for the upper body, but also for cleaning upholstery, as well as, plastic parts of the car. So you can be calm for the fact that corrosion will not damage the body, and the rest of the coatings will not become worse from such interaction. There are two forms of release of such substances, in the form of a powder or gel. For washing a car complete!, You will need only 50 grams of funds. It is diluted in 10 liters of simple water and work begins. Usually applied with a soft sponge or rags. If you have a concentrated version of the product, then it should be diluted with water according to the instructions, which is attached to the tube. Percentage can be very different, so you can make a mistake. Provided that your paintwork has already been previously damaged, you will need anti -corrosion shampoo. There are special additives in it, which will become well influenced by the surface of the upper part of the body. This will help protect the machine from the initial rust. After washing, it is worth wipe the car dry with a simple flannel rag. After all, some droplets of water then become difficult to sketch spots. Especially if the weather is not very warm on the street, then they just can freeze.

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