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World superbike. Pilot driving technique

  • 21-03-2019, 18:15

World superbike. Pilot driving technique

Analyzing the techniques of racers, Nick Yenachi commented on the provisions of their bodies. Carlos, after entering the turn, presses the knee, and it is better to set it. The check has a head diving in a turn more than others. Important work track - control. The ability to control the angle of inclination allows the rider to depend less on his work. According to Nika: more angle of inclination - more risk. Comparing Juliano and checks, the first will have to lean stronger. Reason: the upper body. Having such a driving style, you need more subtle motorcycle settings. Yujin needs to shift the pelvis in the saddle for a couple of centimeters. So it will loosen the pressure of the hands and will not hang on the handles, it will better feel before. For a better exit from the turn, do not make your head so radically. The check and Laverti sit deep in the saddle, which means that the gas tank will not put pressure on the chest, t. To. The wrist has good geometry. Yakub’s torso and head are shifted to the gas tank. You need to go down from the gas tank 5 centimeters. This will give more space for his chest, help to better control the center of gravity. Having changed the pose, it will depend less on the settings. And the motorcycle will be easier. Rubber will work longer. If Kamier sat in the saddle three to four centimeters deeper, he will become more comfortable, hiding his head at the exit of the turn. Not superfluous: to dissolve the pose and move more in the process of driving. The wrists should be completely relaxed. This exercise will help riders like Leonov. Marco needs a little relaxation of hands and torso. This will allow him to gaze earlier and slow down later. More track - control - less power. And Biangi developed a comfortable landing for himself. Max has a center of gravity in the center of the motorcycle, but high enough. Having changed the pose, he will reach a higher speed. Kanepa widely arranges hips. Shifting back a couple of centimeters, he will relax his hands and feel more freedom. The position of the body of the saxes allows it to constantly adjust the upper part. He should take a pelvis from the saddle by 1 - 2 centimeters, set it up to a more combat position of the cable. And a little more settings at the moment when the tires are packed up.

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