Строительство » Alfa Romeo Giulietta with a Quadrifoglio Verde icon
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Alfa Romeo Giulietta with a Quadrifoglio Verde icon

  • 2-08-2018, 19:37

Alfa Romeo Giulietta with a Quadrifoglio Verde icon

Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sports hatchback, which gives its owners true pleasure and comfort behind the wheel. Sports notes of cars are clearly traced in its color. The main coloring of the gray Magnesio Grey is spectacularly complemented by a matte coating and small black glossy parts of the body, such as the rear view mirrors, a grille and the handle of unlocking doors. In addition to the main color, there are two more shades of red Competizione Red and Alfa Red. The car is offered shoe, alloy wheels with different styles of spokes and size 18.0 inches. The first Launch Edition sportsmen, which have become the first -born of sales, the wheel discs were enviable unique, and the sprayer on the trunk and mirrors received a carbon doll and the mirrors. A gasoline engine made of aluminum installed on the machine has enviable data, with a volume of only 1.75 liters. They supplemented it with fuel injection and a turbine of the infusion, which are known thanks to the ALFA Romeo 4C car. All these details help the car develop a power of 247 liters. With. and 5750 revolutions per minute, and from 2000.0 rpm to 4000.0 rpm is a torque of 340 Newton meters. The engine works perfectly in a pair with a six -speed box by a robot, which was complemented by double dry clutch and above the indicators in the aggregate allow the car to accelerate from zero to 100.0 kilometers per hour in 6 seconds, which should be noted 0.8 seconds more than the predecessor with a box of mechanics. In addition, the machine is equipped with Brembo brakes. Romeo Giulietta salon has pleasure in driving. It is decorated in a style of a style of the appearance of the machine, sports chairs from leather with fabric inserts are installed, and decoratively stitched, like some details of the interior decoration, lines of white and green shades. The steering wheel is made using sports notes, the lower part of it is made of a square, the pedals are made of aluminum, and the thresholds received overlays carrying the QV logo. The UCONNECT system is responsible for the entertainment and awareness of the driver and passengers, it is installed two options for a touch screen of 5 inches or 6.50 inches. Management became possible for her without the help of her hands - in a voice. As a pleasant addition to Alfa Romeo Giulieta Quadrifoglio Verde, offers customers a powerful acoustics of Bose, which includes nine columns and a subwoofer.

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