Строительство » Although not noticeable, the new transport grew by 7 millimeters.
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Although not noticeable, the new transport grew by 7 millimeters.

  • 6-08-2018, 19:16

The appearance of the car was changed by designers in the cardinal direction. The solidity inherent in the previous models of this company was replaced by brutal appearance. Chevrolet Trailblazer has become more similar to the Colorado pickup, the appearance of which was also announced in the near future. The difference in size compared with the old Trailblazer, the wheelbase of the new version is less than a smaller size that has changed by 24 millimeters. Although not noticeable, the new transport grew by 7 millimeters. The height changed 76 millimeters towards the increase. This change is noticeable. The car interior makes you think that the wheelbase on the contrary has increased. Despite the change of appearance, the salon retained the huge American look familiar to everyone. The altitude of the all -terrain man cannot boast. The cheapest materials were used for its arrangement. Economy class plastic and skin does not differ in particular tenderness. But all these flaws compensate even a certain excess of space. The front seats can be called just huge. After all, each of them can fit at least two people. A huge number of departments for small items are also a small plus of this car. On the front panel, the creators fit six compartments different in size. Door pockets, stands for drinks that are placed in the seats are also inscribed in this mass. The second row of seats is distinguished by a wide armrest and individual air ducts. Here also reminds of itself and the presence of large space. After all, it becomes possible to stretch out in the back seat, since we usually do this at home on our favorite sofa. These actions have made for us the same adjustable backs. True, this significantly takes the space from passengers sitting on the third row of seats. However, the gallery never differed in special comfort.

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