Строительство » Rating of ugly cars 1980-1990
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Rating of ugly cars 1980-1990

  • 13-12-2018, 20:26

Rating of ugly cars 1980-1990

Everyone knows that the car is primarily a means of movement, however, at the same time, the vehicle largely conveys the style and solidity of its owner, therefore it must also have external attractiveness. However, some auto industry products simply amaze with ugliness and ill-conceived design, which is especially noticeable on cars of the 80-90s of the last century. The undoubted leader of the ugly car rating is the 1980 Cadillac Seville. After the car was released, many motorists came into a real shock, because it seemed that the designers were developing the facade of the car, absolutely forgetting about his back. Seville was built on the same wheelbase as the two -door Eldorado, which could not but affect her proportions negatively. In appearance, Seville resembled a clumsy hippo, which, however, had 135 horsepower, which was a pretty good indicator. That is why this car was well sold in 1984-85. The second place goes to Consulier GTP (1985), also called "Barbie Kar". Its developer at. Mosler offered 25 thousand dollars to the one who could overtake his new racing car. The famous magazine "Kar End Driver" immediately responded to such a tempting proposal. Although the ugly racing car was defeated in the race, the winner that was the driver of the corvette did not receive remuneration. Nevertheless, Consulier GTP began to be actively used in various races, until in 1997 it came off production, giving way to Mosler Raptor with V-shaped double windshield. Only there you will find the best auto lawyers with reasonable prices for your services. In third place in the rating is Subaru XT (1985), which, although it looks like a classic car, is not so because of a completely inappropriate door spring. The third place among the Hyodets car is the 1990 Chevrolet Lumina APV, which largely resembles a modern SUV with increased internal space, but is endowed with a completely inappropriate front, similar to the nose of an ant. Among other things, the drivers of this car constantly seemed that they controlled from the rear seat, and passengers - that the whole image rolls to one point in front. Due to such numerous blunders, Lumin was discontinued, and no less ugly Oldsmobile Silhouette and Pontiac Trans Sport came in its place.

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