Строительство » Toyota Prius: intends to remain a leader and henceforth ”Nissan Sunny Club
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Toyota Prius: intends to remain a leader and henceforth ”Nissan Sunny Club

  • 22-02-2019, 19:00

Toyota Prius: intends to remain a leader and henceforth ”Nissan Sunny Club

The Japanese are preparing for the serial release of the Toyota Prius model of the third generation. The machine is not yet present in the market, however, some technical characteristics have already become known. Judging by them, the new model will have several advantages not only compared to previous versions, but also compared to competitors' cars. The appearance of the car was preserved in the same style as before. The car just like all the other this brand looks unique, although not very exquisite. Nevertheless, the designers nevertheless achieved some grace. So the shape of the roof ceased to be egg -shaped, the sidewalls turned out to be smoother, and the front headlights - more noticeable. The interior was also a little corrected. But again, the third -generation Prius salon looks more updated than changed. Among the novelties: a multifunctional screen instead of a sensory, slightly different levers of climate control and audio system. Experts also noted the improved quality of finishing materials. At the same time, the absence of truly radical changes in the new car - in this case, a dignity is more likely than a lack. Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 owners of Prius see their new machine the same brand. So cardinal changes in the appearance of the car can frighten potential buyers. The main changes relate to the filling of the machine. So, two new systems appeared that facilitate the life of the car owner: now the driver will be warned if he deviates from the chosen strip, as well as help him in parking. The latter is especially relevant when it is necessary to squeeze the car in reverse between the other two. Prius can move in three modes: Eco, Power and EV. As follows, in ECO mode, fuel is saved as much as possible, in Power mode - all power is involved, in EV mode the car switches to electricity. The developers promise that fuel consumption in the new Prius will be 5.6 liters per 100 km (in the previous version - 6.3 l/100 km). In addition, the tests showed that gasoline consumption can be even less - 4.3-4.7 l/100 km, while the driver will not have to weave, like a turtle. Earlier of all, the new Prius will be available, of course, the Japanese - at the end of the next spring. Then a car of various configurations of Toyota Prius will be offered in other countries.

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