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The most common myths about gasoline saving

  • 25-01-2019, 13:58

The most common myths about gasoline saving

Today, the cost of gasoline is quite high, and, as a result, most drivers try to resort to various methods that help save fuel. Tips on the proper operation of the car, which will help reduce gasoline consumption, can be gleaned on the pages of the Internet or get from more experienced motorists. However, not all tips are actually useful and effective. One of these misconceptions is that some drivers believe that it is better to refue the car in the morning. They motivate this by the fact that in the morning gasoline is colder, and, accordingly, it contains more molecules. However, in fact, gasoline can be poured into the tank at any time of the day, because throughout the day, the temperature entering the fuel gas tank remains unchanged. It is also a mistake that the clogged air filter increases the fuel consumption, and in order to save gasoline, it is necessary to replace it. Naturally, the filter should be changed as needed, but it does not affect fuel consumption. The clogged filter can only slightly reduce engine power. There are also car owners who believe that the transition to gasoline of higher quality will eliminate their material difficulties with fuel. However, such a solution is an unjustified waste of money, because the cost of gasoline is growing steadily. Even if cars that recommend high -quality fuel will be refueling with ordinary gasoline, they will not harm them. To date, engines allow the system to adjust the operation of the spark plugs. Among the motorists there is also a myth that if you pump the tires, then you can reduce fuel consumption, thus. Let's just say that there is a small share of truth in this, but gasoline consumption is slightly reduced. But at the same time, the car loses its ability to slow down and maneuver. And this, in turn, can cause an emergency. Therefore, here it is worth choosing that for you it is more important to save gasoline or your own safety. Many car owners believe that the air conditioner increases gasoline consumption. However, modern air conditioners are not much increase in fuel consumption.

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