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Myths about cars: what to believe, what to take into account

  • 26-11-2018, 11:40

Myths about cars: what to believe, what to take into account

Each motorist collects all the information about a particular model or brand before purchasing a car. The collected information is useful for further purchase, but not everyone can separate it useful from false. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify and disassemble the most common myths about cars and their operation. 1) Each person noticed that in the spring there are more cars and this can be seen not with an armed eye. Some car owners are of the opinion that the car must be hidden in the garage for the winter so that it serves longer. If your car is not rare or not exclusive, then such actions are simply groundless. A modern car is well adapted, both for the summer season and for winter. In order to transfer your car from the summer, to the winter season, it is necessary to replace tires, oils and liquids. After which, you can and should ride. Another thing is if you are not confident in yourself in the winter, it is difficult for you to ride, little experience. But here is not a question of a car, here is purely your desire. 2) the second point is also associated with winter operation, namely. Almost all drivers believe that you need to warm the car. There is a share of truth in this, because driving with a cold engine is not very good. But to warm up the car, you do not need to stand and heat it for 10-20 minutes, just a minute is enough. Move better and without jerks. With brakes do the same, smoothly without sharp braking. In a few minutes, the car will be completely in feeling. 3) the final moment in winter is the tire pressure. Today in cars there is a light bulb, which will always tell you when the pressure in the tires is critical. But at the same time it is desirable to sometimes check the pressure by a special device. 4) as for oils and liquids ... Many motorists, either never change them, or vice versa change very often. There are strict dates when it is necessary to change liquids and oils, they must be adhere to. Of course, if your car is operated intensively, then you can change it ahead of schedule, but not for many. The main rule is that you need to approach all issues wisely.

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