Строительство » How to improve the car yourself
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How to improve the car yourself

  • 16-10-2018, 13:09

How to improve the car yourself

There is a large stream of cars in our country, which are more intended for driving on smooth roads in Europe. To achieve great stability, they try to make the center of gravity as close as possible to the ground. If you recall that in the Russian side with the roads, trouble and pit can be similar to ravines, then the entire service life you will plow the abyss of unevenness. In winter, another obstacle appears in front of drivers - this is the poor work of public utilities. They are never prepared for snowfalls and snow drifts can be found here and there. Snow rollers are hard to overcome even high -class cars. Therefore, increased clearance will be useful at any time of the year. Well, you can meet Chinese cars here in full. Only there they will tell you all about the pros and cons of the Chinese car. There is an option when for a win of two or three centimeters, take tires and wheels of a larger diameter. This is a rather complicated technique, since you have to adjust the turns on the springs, try on the inner arches. Due to this, the rigidity of the spring will become much higher, which will lead to a loss of smoothness of the car. There is an option to select non -standard springs, which will raise a little car. At the same time, shock absorbers will fail much faster, and the handling will suffer a lot. The most successful technique was an increase in the gap between the body and the support of the rack. At the same time, the suspension operation remains unchanged, and the car body does not deform. The material of special supports is also of considerable importance. Polyurethane samples have gained great popularity, due to its availability and minimum price. But they have disadvantages, due to quick deformation, body damage is possible. There are supports of aluminum, which have proven themselves well in work. They are not lended to corrosion, but during friction with the body, rust often occurs. Rubber stands are poorly adapted from operation due to severe frosts. So the best ones are recognized as ABC plastic options that will delight the driver for a long time. It should be noted that they do not provoke deformation and do not affect the quality of driving. Car owners often install such supports on their own, but you can’t do without consulting a specialist. The master will help to choose an option that will not provoke problems with the suspension. It must be remembered that the type of additional support can depend on the model.

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