Строительство » Where and how to start independent driving Ikinci El Nissan Qashqai?
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Where and how to start independent driving Ikinci El Nissan Qashqai?

  • 15-03-2019, 18:43

Where and how to start independent driving Ikinci El Nissan Qashqai?

Mastering the wisdom of driving the Ikinci El Nissan Qashqai car, it is worth starting with the very basics. There is a set of requirements necessary before starting the movement that you must fulfill for subsequent safe and comfortable driving:- adjust the seat to conveniently control your personal vehicles (knees should not touch the steering wheel, your legs should not reach the pedals without efforts, the hands should not reach the steering wheel );- check the rear review mirrors and side mirrors, adjust them so that you can freely and clearly see what is happening behind you;- check visibility through the windshield, wipe it if necessary;- check if the handle of the hand brake is raised or the car is at speed, it depends on how you will start and start moving (it is possible to immediately fly into the nearest obstacle if the machine has at speed, or spoil the engine and gearbox if the handle of the manual brake is not lowered);Insert the key to the ignition lock and scroll a little to check the indicators of the amount of oil and gasoline in the tank (if necessary, you must replenish the oil or gasoline supplies to the optimal amount, which will be reflected on the indicator);- if you put the car in the yard and now cool The time of year, we advise you to check whether it was hidden under the Nissan Almera II N16 characteristics or on the wheel of a cat car (this is a common phenomenon, so it is better not to overshadow the beginning of your day with such a tragedy).With the engine turned on. As for the situation with the engine in the engine, there is also some list of mandatory requirements that are better to be strictly fulfilled:- by managing the engine IKINCI EL Nissan Qashqai, we advise you to warm up the engine and not rush to this matter;- turn the steering wheel in the direction in the direction in the direction in the direction in the direction you will leave;- along the rear-view mirrors, check that your path is free, and you can start moving;- by the way, before turning on the engine, remove the car from the handbrake or, if it stood at speed, squeeze the clutch and transfer the gearbox into the gear The “Neutral” mode; these requirements are basics for those who have just begun to drive. It is from this that the path of any driver begins. When he remembers all the necessary sequence of actions before automatism. And this happens only after constant practice and training.

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