Строительство » Why does your car have a large fuel consumption?
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Why does your car have a large fuel consumption?

  • 19-03-2019, 13:41

Why does your car have a large fuel consumption?

Before taking any actions, you should find out the reasons. The reasons for the large fuel consumption can be divided into two groups: 1. Objective. These are difficulties in a technical nature. Elements wear out and are no longer able to perform their functions to the proper extent.2. Subjective - difficulties, the fault of which is the so -called human factor. Objective reasons for increasing fuel embezzlement: 1. Когда становится больше угол смещения зажигания – топливо растрачивается быстрее. The larger the angle, the higher the outflow of fuel.2. You should check the correctness of the exhibited gap in the spark plugs.3. Compare the temperature of the cooling fluid with the calculated. If it is smaller, then the motor will take up to 8 percent more fuel for heating.4. If you refuel the car with poor -quality fuel, and its mileage is quite large, it will not be superfluous to check the node of the cylinder -piston group. There you will find everything about this camera and all its characteristics.5. Change the oils in time.6. If there are difficulties with clutch, then due to slipping, with it you have to encourage fuel waste increases greatly.7. check the pressure in the wheels. When rolling on the covered wheels, the friction force increases. So, when a pressure decreases by at least one atmosphere, the consumption increases to 4 percent. Subjective reasons for increasing gasoline consumption: 1. Having loaded the car, get ready to pay 10 percent more for every 100 kg.2. Open windows lower the aerodynamics of the car, especially when driving at a speed of more than 60 kilometers/hour.3. If your skills in driving are not good enough, you are jerking back and forth, then the motor experiences a constant load, therefore it spends more fuel.4. A constantly working air conditioner or tape recorder can also affect the "appetite" of the machine.5. Far and the near light of the headlights increase the consumption by ten and five percent, respectively. These are far from all the reasons for the significant fuel consumption, but only the most important. It should be more often diagnosed with your car, so as not to overpay at the gas stations in the future. With all this, it is worth noting that the cost of fuel every year, unfortunately, is becoming more and more. So it is worth performing the diagnosis of the car as often as possible and generally monitor its condition.

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