Строительство » Maintenance of brakes VAZ
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Maintenance of brakes VAZ

  • 19-11-2018, 15:07

Maintenance of brakes VAZ

For a hydraulic drive of the wheel brakes and the clutch shift mechanism, a special brake fluid is used. In appearance, the liquid is transparent, homogeneous, has a yellow or light yellow color and weak smell, works steadily in the ambient temperature from -50 to +50 ° C, has weak corrosion aggressiveness on ferrous and non -ferrous metals and moderately affects rubber. It should be borne in mind that the liquid is poisonous and fiery hazardous. The temperature of the flash of the liquid in an open crucible is not lower than + 85 ° C, and the boiling temperature is not lower than + 190 ° C. After the fluid is aged at a temperature of -40 ° C for 5 days, the air bubble passes through its layer for no more than 30 s. A mixture of liquid with water at a temperature of -40 ° C remains transparent, without stratification and precipitation. The use of brake fluids of other brands in the hydraulic brakes drive system and clutch of VAZ cars are unacceptable. You can also not mix the brake fluids of different brands and even use them for a finish to the level. The brake fluid GTZ-22M (green) has insufficient lubricants, BSC fluid (orange-red) has a low boiling point. Neva brake fluid is hygroscopic, in connection with which it must be protected from moisture entering it. During the first year of operation, the Neva brake fluid, which was filled into the brake system and the hydraulic drive of the clutch turning off mechanism, absorbs up to 2% of the moisture from its own volume, the second year - 3.5% and the third - 4.5%. In this case, the boiling temperature decreases from 190 ° C to 140-145 ° C. As a result, steam plugs are formed in the hoses, which leads to the “fault” of the brake pedal and clutch pedal and causes interruptions in the system.

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