Строительство » The reasons for overheating of the car engine
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The reasons for overheating of the car engine

  • 30-01-2019, 15:22

The reasons for overheating of the car engine

Every year, cars are becoming more reliable, and cooling liquids, such as antifreeze and antifreeze, acquire an increasing temperature run. Despite this, few drivers manage to avoid overheating of the engine engine. So it may cause overheating not only cooling fluids? In fact, there are quite a lot of such reasons: 1. Contamination of the radiator grille. Dust, fluff and dirt constantly get into the gratings cells, which is why air ventilation is disturbed. From time to time, you need to remove the grill and clean it from pollution. 2. Obsolescence of the cooling system or the absence of its tightness. This can be installed by the presence of subtexts on the hoses and nodes. When identifying them, it is necessary to replace leaky sites. 3. The lack of tightness in the radiator itself: with a loose fit of the lid or if there are cracks in the radiator, the pressure in the system decreases, as a result of which the coolant can boil at a lower temperature. The cover of the cover should be periodically checked, as well as the integrity of the radiator. 4. The thermostat failed the damper, as a result of which the coolant movement occurs in a small circle, and a large circle at that time is inactive. You can find this out by cold pipe of the cooling system. 5. Cooler level less than normal. Check the coolant level before each trip. If the amount of antifreeze or antifreeze is below normal, add the cooler to the desired level and no more than the installed maximum. The most important thing for each driver is to remember the Russian -folk proverb that the sleds are prepared in the summer and the cart is in winter. Take care of the cooling system of your car in advance, monitor its tightness and work, and then you will have no problems on the road.

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