Строительство » The motor overheats (with a faulty air conditioning or fan)
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The motor overheats (with a faulty air conditioning or fan)

  • 25-01-2019, 18:24

The motor overheats (with a faulty air conditioning or fan)

Disconnect the autonomous connector at the fan (if any), while drowning out the engine. From a power supply with a voltage of 12 volts, check how well the fan will work. With its normal operation, the connection can be restored from the power source. If the fan does not work, replace it. Then make a check of the radiator of the cooling system, as well as the thermostat. Run the engine and let it warm up to operating temperature. At this time, the cooling substance will begin its circulation in a small circle and with an increase in the temperature of the heating of the motor, the thermostat will open. Touch the graduation and intake pipe of the radiator. If the pipes are cold, then this means that the cooling substance does not fall into the radiator and the thermostat is closed. If the radiator and nozzles are cold, and the temperature of the engine heating increases, then it is necessary to replace the faulty thermostat. By replacing the thermostat, warm up the motor. Warm pipe means opening a thermostat and getting hot liquid into a radiator for cooling. Also check the radiator serviceability. Heating should occur evenly over the entire surface. With uneven heating, check if the tubes passing the coolant are clogged. If clogged, then cooling efficiency is reduced several times. In this case, rinse or replace the radiator. Periodically clean from dust and foreign objects a blowing surface of the radiator. If a proper fan does not turn on with the engine heated to the maximum temperature, then the sensor is out of order to start the fan, which is better to change.

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