Строительство » Universal puller for removal of nozzles.
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Universal puller for removal of nozzles.

  • 26-02-2019, 20:50

Universal puller for removal of nozzles.

3. The design part3.1 appointment, the device of the applied device of the diploma project on the instructions of the head, I developed a universal puller for removing nozzles. This puller can significantly reduce the complexity of work when removing nozzles. The puller consists of: 1 ledge; 2 screws with bald switches in the upper turn -key, and a threaded hole for the drive; 3 nuts of complex shape; 4 supports (3 pcs.); 5 plates. The lead 1 is wrapped in a special hole at the base of the screw 2, and the part of the ledge that is screwed into the screw has a lesser with a lesser step than the thread on the part that screws into the nozzle, has a greater step, which excludes spontaneous unit withdrawal. A nut 3 is wound on a screw 2, which has a round lower part under a hid (groove) in the plate 5. Three supports 4 supports are screwed into the holes in the triangular plate 5, which are rested directly on the cylinder head.3.2 Work and safe operation of the applied device I have developed allows me to safely remove nozzles from the engine installed directly by bus, and on the engine removed. It works as follows: it is installed by the supports between the valve springs and the drove 1, it is screwed directly into the hole in the bottom of the nozzle cap, and when the nut 3 of the nozzle, the upward movement is communicated and to the outlet, which allows you to easily and safely remove the nozzle. The puller allows you to significantly reduce the time for removing the nozzle to 2.5 3 minutes, which significantly reduces the complexity of work, economic costs for car maintenance. The puller provides safe working conditions, since when it is removed manually or when using screwdrivers or other tools, unexpected breakdowns of both nozzles and the tool used to remove the nozzle, which increases the risk of injury. During operation, the puller wears out, and it is forbidden to work in the following cases:- cracks in supports 4, screw 2, plate 5, plunge 1;- wear of the faces of the screw 2;.

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