Строительство » On the plate 19, an electric motor is 6th kettel at 2800 rpm.
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On the plate 19, an electric motor is 6th kettel at 2800 rpm.

  • 3-12-2018, 11:19

On the plate 19, an electric motor is 6th kettel at 2800 rpm. Pulley 5 electric motor is connected to the pulley 15 with a wedge -shaped belt 4. The transverse feed of abrasive circles is carried out by turning the plate 19 around the 7 -tires located on the same cones using the adjusting screw 21, the stop nut 20 and the nut 22. To bring the abrasive circles 3 closer to the surface of the processed neck 13, it is necessary to slightly unscrew the locking nut 20 and, rotating the nut 22, lower the plate 19 and with it the bracket 24 until the abrasive circles affect the neck of the shaft. The longitudinal feed of abrasive circles is carried out by the movement of the carriage along the guide using the running screw 8 and the nut attached to one of the traverse 18 (the nut in the drawing is not shown). The other end of the running screw rotates in a stubborn bearing on the bar 9. The rotation of the running screw 8 is carried out using a flywheel 10.

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