Строительство » What taps can be found in the market
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What taps can be found in the market

  • 14-03-2019, 13:09

What taps can be found in the market

In order to cut the inner thread at home, you should use taps. To date, there are a huge number of different types of taps and dies, but still there are the most popular and often used, which have found their widespread use not only in everyday life, but also in production. It is about them that we'll talk. First of all, metric taps are used. They are measured in millimeters, and also have a metric measurement system with the difference from tubular taps, which are measured in inches. The size of such a tool can be within 2-60 mm, and as for the width of the thread step, it can be different, so that with their help you can easily get a thread of any size. There are basic and additional steps of threads that are very rare, but still they can often be found. The thread is cut using a gate, and this can be both manual and machine-brown method of cutting. Often in practice, warden taps are also used, which are always single. They are used mainly to create through thread. Distinguishing such taps is quite simple, because in length they are much larger than metric. The left tap is used to cut the left thread. Due to the fact that in our country the left thread is rarely used, they are also almost impossible to find. They can also be used in order to unscrew the bolt fragment in the workpiece. Pipe taps are measured in inches, since the pipeline uses precisely this measuring system. They are used to cut the internal threads on the pipes. They are mainly sold in a set of two pieces: with a sharp and stupid climb. Keep in mind that to carry out high -quality and as fast as possible, you will need to select taps that are fully consistent with the direction of work.

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