Строительство » Pikap - an ideal suburban car
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Pikap - an ideal suburban car

  • 7-12-2018, 17:04

Pikap - an ideal suburban car

Life outside the city is a fairy tale. Most people will agree with this expression and will be to a certain extent right. In a certain, because remoteness from the city with all its huge plus carries certain difficulties. This complexity is, first of all, in the transportation of certain goods, a large number of products. It's great if you have already built your house or have only ordered the construction of Pestovo houses. Why Pestovsky? Because it is there that the best masters work in the construction of wooden houses. Now you need to equip your home and establish life. In this situation, a car will come to the aid of a country house. Pickup - passenger car with a body. Such a machine can easily transport both people and goods. There are two types of indicated cars: on the basis of cars and on the basis of SUVs. The first type of pickups is not massive for an objective reason: the passenger chassis is not suitable for large loads, it simply cannot withstand them for a long time. That is why the most popular machines based on SUVs are. All official Moscow dealers Renault, for example, offer pickups only on the basis of SUVs. And this is fully justified: powerful frame and engine, all -wheel drive transmission and maximum convenience of the salon make pickups truly technical masterpieces. In addition, these machines are capable of transporting goods with a maximum total weight of up to a thousand kilograms. There are certain nuances depending on the type of cabin. For example, Double CAP has a four -door body that allows you to accommodate up to five people. Single CAP SUVs are a car with a double cabin. These two types are the most popular pickups in Europe. But in the USA, on the first line in the popularity rating are Club Cab - cars that have an elongated shape of the cab and contain up to five people. Buyers are offered to choose two engine options: gasoline or diesel. Diesel engines, as a rule, are equipped with air vents or turbocharges. In Russia, today the pickup market is in the beginter stage, and is no more than five percent of the total volume of cars sold. But it can be confidently noted that the domestic pickup market begins confident growth.

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