Строительство » Nissan Skyline 1992 gasoline engine against diesel engine.
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Nissan Skyline 1992 gasoline engine against diesel engine.

  • 28-11-2018, 10:45

Nissan Skyline 1992 gasoline engine against diesel engine.

To claim which engine is better is a papal situation. It is probably better to choose a particular type of engine that is preferable for specific conditions. And perhaps it will be better to choose a car with both power plants together. Moreover, there are a lot of such machines now. Distinctive principles of engines. The main difference in engines is how the working mixture is ignited in the cylinders. In the Nissan Skyline 1992 gasoline motor, the fuel mixture forms outside the cylinder. Finally pairs of air and gasoline are mixed at the end of the compression tact. In this case, such a mixture is evenly distributed in the cylinder, and compression leads to heating the mixture to 500 ° C. This temperature is below the temperature at which gasoline is ignited. Here the spark plug forms a spark, which sets fire to the mixture. In the engine on diesel fuel, first air enters the cylinder, which is compressed by pressure up to 50 bar and at the same time it heats up to a temperature of 900 ° C. At the same time, in a chamber of combustion in front of the upper dead point, diesel fuel is injected. The fuel mixture is formed. It turns out a mixture that is self -flammable. She burns out perfectly. Advantages and disadvantages1. Diesel engines consume less fuel than engines on gasoline.2. Gasoline motors are more powerful compared to diesel brothers.3. The low power of the engine on diesel fuel is overlapped with a flat thrust at all revolutions without exception.4. Diesel engines require better isolation from noise.5. Diesel engines are more environmentally friendly. But modern diesel engines meet Euro-4 standards.6. Diesel engines are more durable compared to gasoline engines.7. Gasoline engines are more steadfastly operated with low -quality fuel.8. For Russian frosts, when using diesel engines, it is necessary to take care of the modern heating system and the use of special fuel varieties.9. Diesel engines are not afraid of water.10. Repair of a diesel motor installation is more complicated and more expensive than a gasoline engine. But at the same time, the diesel resource much exceeds the resource of the gasoline motor. Conclusions for owners Nissan Skyline 1992

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