Строительство » According to the current GOSTs, diesel fuel can be three brands.
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According to the current GOSTs, diesel fuel can be three brands.

  • 31-07-2018, 12:02

Specific stamps of diesel fuel are obtained as a result of mixing in certain proportions of hydraulic and direct -Russian oil fractions, which have different composition. According to the current GOSTs, diesel fuel can be three brands. The diesel fuel itself the price of which depends on its brand, used for engines, ignition in which occurs from compression. That is, the operation of such an engine is carried out on distile fuels, the boiling limit of which is much higher than that of gasoline. At the same time, the main properties that make diesel fuel are so in demand is ignorance, evaporation, viscosity, low -temperature fluidity, storage stability and sulfur content. At the same time, diesel fuel has a clear advantage over gasoline. It is much more economical than gasoline, its hourly expense, a percent is 30 less than that of the carburetor engine. As a rule, diesel fuel is used for high -speed and gas turbine engines of ship and ground technology. The conditions of the mixture of formation, as well as the process of ignition of fuel, are significantly different from the process of operating the engine of gasoline. This makes a diesel much more economical, and much more reliable than gasoline engines. But, at the same time, diesel engines have a few large dimensions and much more difficult to manufacture. Accordingly, every owner of the diesel engine must remember that the quality and productivity of the diesel operation largely depends on the quality of the oil and diesel fuel. The reliability of work, its power and efficiency, smoke and toxicity depend on this. Accordingly, the delivery of fuel should be carried out by verified and reliable suppliers. Since, often there are unscrupulous suppliers, who can increase the volume of fuel by adding components that are not part of the fuel in order. At the same time, the use of such fuel, in most cases, can not only lower the performance of the engine itself, but also in a short time to disable it. In this case, the damage from the breakdown can be significant.

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