Строительство » American Japanese or not all Shelby with an American accent
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American Japanese or not all Shelby with an American accent

  • 7-08-2018, 12:03

American Japanese or not all Shelby with an American accent

People who have at least some idea of Automir, at the mention of such a word as Shelby, will immediately say that this is America, Ford, Mustang. People who understand this will tell you a lot of interesting things about the top models, bearing this name and, of course, about Carol Shelby himself, the great race carrier and the creator of these beautiful cars. And only people who are fan of cars, people who cannot live without them, mention the most unique and long-forgotten, but still the same great models that came out of the hands of the same great man. One of these cars is Toyota 2000 GT Shelby. This model literally blew up the Japanese market and completely changed the idea of sports cars. Despite the Japanese roots, its forms and lines were truly American, and the salon was richly finished with expensive skin and wood. She was technically progressive and forced to look at herself the envious gaze of many European brands. The release was limited to only 350 copies, which now serves the soil for "wars" collectors. A two -liter engine of 150 l/s was installed on the car. Now this figure seems ridiculous, but in those years when small -leafs were driven in Japan, it was a real breakthrough. After the appearance of 2000 GT in one of the films about James Bond, its popularity is already high, soared just to heaven. But what is Japan, a small island country, and Carola wanted his car to be just as popular in his homeland - in America. It was necessary to somehow interest people. As a result of which three 2000 GT are taken, then modernized and challenges cars such as Porsche 911 and Chevrolet Corvette. Toyota took its own, the team of Carol then won, after that it was decided to participate in this car in SCCA races. 2000 GT showed itself here from the very best side, prizes were taken in almost all races. The American public fell in love with this car, and Carol again showed his unsurpassed talent. Let this car in modern times not as famous as other creations of Shelby, but in the hearts of true fans it is still blooming and certainly never forgotten. You are interested? Affordable prices and wide range

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