Строительство » The first American electric car in the market
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The first American electric car in the market

  • 18-01-2019, 16:06

The first American electric car in the market

Recently, the American auto industry has somehow gone into the shadow of European and Chinese. It became clear that the year 2017, which was a terrible tornado by flying through the US Auto -Wap, did not really give a new chance to revive large American brands car. Americans lose sales everywhere, even in their country. Many market analysts are already predicting the fall of the Ford empire, and the emergence of new automobile empires in the United States, primarily calling a company such as Tesla Motors. Almost the initiators of raising noise about global warming, as well as all kinds of protective actions against the greenhouse effect, the Americans became. They raised such a hype, the government invested so much money in the promotion of the global apocalypse in case green technologies do not appear that many Americans have already taken place with the thought that they need to switch to green technologies. The Americans are a special nation, almost the two hundred years old as the United States existed, the Americans lived in isolation, and were considered some kind of remote rural region for Europe. But in the twentieth century, the United States greatly raised its power, began to actively develop industry, and enter the world arena of the economy. The Americans created the first mass gasoline car, and the Americans also created the first mass electric car, Tesla at the beginning of the twentieth century. And now it’s not enough for anyone to believe that the future of the automotive industry will be behind gasoline cars, more and more people are preferred by electric cars, not yet as perfect and powerful as gasoline machines, but still very promising. And even the American brand of Chevrolet, which is famous for its traditions, has released a new Chevrolet Volt II model, which has become much more economical and more powerful than its previous model, which came out several years ago, and was not very popular even in the United States. The car is really very interesting, economical, charging occurs in several hours, and all batteries, and in this car there are more than three hundred battery lithium-ion cells. In addition, the car is made of light materials, which also reduces the consumption of electricity when driving. But the main miracle, the new model will be cheaper than European brands. It’s not clear how to understand this, maybe they decided to go to the Chevrolet, and try to still pull the blanket of the electric car market in their country. But many car market analysts doubt this.

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