Строительство » Car development will end by the end of summer.
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Car development will end by the end of summer.

  • 29-08-2018, 20:42

The BMW 530D car was exclusive spare parts only in the exterior: LED headlights, adjusted rear lights, a modified radiator grille, new calipers. In the interior - a new color scheme of the salon, a more sports view of seats. In Russia, the model is expected at a price of 2.5 to 3.5 million rubles. Next, let's talk about BMW M3. The prototype of the model can already be evaluated in the interior. Paparazzi "caught" the car during running -in on winter roads. Car equipment for a test drive is a sedan, and to sell first BMW will start a compartment. The first thing that catches the eye on the new "three -three" is 19 -inch discs with brake perforation in a circle. The current model M3 has a di -smaller disk and there are no perforations. Instead of the standard V8 (414 liters. With.) A six -cylinder turbocharged engine will be built into the novelty, probably even with triple turbocharged (all this is 450 liters. With.). The relief on the hood M3 was removed, so for the BMW M3 tuning now it will be easier to do. In the world market, the new BMW M3 is presented in 2014. Now the old generation M3 is sold in Russia at a price of 3 to 3.6 million rubles. The most expensive car in the line is a convertible. BMW promises to present another new model to the Parisian car dealership - BMW GT series. Car development will end by the end of summer. There are rumors that the engine of the machine will be hybrid, it will also include a four -cylinder engine and a diesel engine. There are rumors that customers will also be offered a XDRive all -wheel drive system, which is also possessed by E 46. And the BMW E46 Tuning GT will be exotic, at least by the expectations of many car media. So far, there is no accurate official information about the power of the motor or about the interior-Exterior BMW GT.

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