Строительство » How the President of Ukraine elections went
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How the President of Ukraine elections went

  • 10-10-2018, 15:45

How the President of Ukraine elections went

Already today the election of the President of Ukraine. The agitation is completed. No, I'm not at all going to violate the law and prove which of the candidates "good" and who is "bad". In my opinion, there are more interesting topics. For example, cars on which the main candidates are carried. Let's start with Viktor Yushchenko. Before the presidency of Viktor Andreevich, they saw on Audi, Land Kruzere, but from the Verkhovna Rada from the inauguration to the Maidan he arrived at the dark gray Mercedes E600.Now Yushchenko is carried on two completely identical "Merses" weighing 4 tons each, designed by special order. They are equipped with additional components: antipolonal body armor, armored vehicles, self -healing tires, the special rubber of which withstands 5 bullets. Their cost reaches 1 million. dollars. Valery Konovalyuk, deputy of the Party of Regions, suggested the advent of the Presidential Mercedes: as if they were exchanged for the IL-76 military transport aircraft.Prime Minister Julia Vladimirovnaan, one of the press conferences, stated that 90% of the time was traveling without a motorcade, while the remaining 10% take her on the armored "Mercedes" accompanied by traffic police vehicles. Tymoshenko has been carrying the same driver for many years. The prime minister trusts him even despite the fact that he had an accident 2 times. Viktor Fedorovich recently cost two armored "Mercedes" - twins of the S -class, but, becoming a candidate, added a minibus with a radar missile unit and a traffic police vehicle. Arseniy Yatsenukazhikhaly is seen on two "Range Rover". He was also noticed in a motorist of 4 cars, which includes a police with "flashing lights".Vladimir Litvin, as explains the headquarters of his block, usually travels a motorcade of three SUVs. But not so long ago he moved to the armored "Mercedes". Also, it is now accompanied by security everywhere. Support, such measures were introduced to protect against the party sponsors, which financed the Litvin Bloc in the past elections, and are now unhappy with the actions of Vladimir Mikhailovich. The candidate himself refutes these rumors.

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