Строительство » Soon they will present the prime minister ZIL for the president
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Soon they will present the prime minister ZIL for the president

  • 26-12-2018, 18:52

Soon they will present the prime minister ZIL for the president

The Russian Federation at the beginning of the next year in the Kremlin will present the first models of the motorcade. A senior public will look at three new concepts - a presidential minibus, SUV and limousine. These three prototypes are designed and made by us. Moreover, of the three models, only a limousine is able to move on its own, as for him they found a suitable foreign production platform. For the rest of the machines, layouts are made, in which only the appearance is worked out in detail. The Stalin ZIS-110 took the new presidential concept, which also had a vertical shield of a radiator grill, as well as two horizontal moddings diverging from it. The difference is only the presence of a new model of rectangular headlights. In addition, the new ZIL model will become longer, Mercedes S 600, on which the head of state is now moving. The model will receive a new gasoline twelve cylinder engine, as well as class B6/B7.We also note the fact that these models will cost about 20 million rubles, which is a completely adequate price for cars of this class. For example, not armored Mercedes S 65 in our country costs 12 million rubles. However, it is worth noting that these cars will be acquired not without open auction trading. And, despite the fact that they previously announced that the same models from the Cortege project will be able to buy ordinary Russians, to see such state orders of the Republic of Yakutia in open auctions not to introduce themselves to possible due to the high cost of this project. Therefore, these models will be available only to high -level officials or representatives of the largest state monopolies.

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