Строительство » In large fountains, water enters at a speed of 150 Lsek.
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In large fountains, water enters at a speed of 150 Lsek.

  • 29-10-2018, 16:31

Relaxing fountains - those fountains where water is carried out from its reservoir, and water discharge is carried out in the same reservoir; fountains where water is carried out from various sources, and water discharge is carried out into the drainage system; fountains where water comes from the water supply, and Water discharge is carried out into a special tray; fountains where water comes from the water supply, and water is discharged into the drainage system. In addition, choosing a fountain, we must not forget about its power. In large fountains, water enters at a speed of 150 Lsek. In this regard, the location of the fountain with such a water consumption near reservoirs or in them may be considered rational. It is also necessary to know that fountains with a capacity of more than 60 Lsek significantly affect air humidity. Namely, an increase in air humidity can cause the death of some plants growing near the structure. Small fountain objects, the power of which 1-2 Lsek can be placed almost everywhere.

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