Строительство » OJSC "MAZ" (Minsk Automobile Plant)
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OJSC "MAZ" (Minsk Automobile Plant)

  • 30-11-2018, 18:45

OJSC "MAZ" (Minsk Automobile Plant)

MAZ trucks have won a reputation not only in Russia, Belarus, but also abroad (Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Near and Middle East), demonstrating its effectiveness both in extreme (the far north, sugar, Karakum) and Karakum) and Karakum) Under ordinary conditions. The plant itself has a very rich history. It is interesting that it was laid down during the Second World War by the German invaders as a repair plant for cars and tanks and soon it became the largest German enterprise in captured Eastern Europe. On August 9, 1944, by decision of the USSR Government, it was on the basis of this enterprise that the Minsk Automobile Plant was created. The first car in the plant was the MAZ-205 dump truck, commissioned at the end of 1947. And already in 1951, MAZ produced about 25 thousand cars a year.

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