Строительство » Technical inspection of your car and error 1320 Nissan »Nissan Sunny Club
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Technical inspection of your car and error 1320 Nissan »Nissan Sunny Club

  • 9-01-2019, 14:28

Technical inspection of your car and error 1320 Nissan »Nissan Sunny Club

The deadline for a new check of the technical condition of your car, the next trip to the traffic police at the place of registration has come. Do not forget your passport and, of course, the right to manage, power of attorney or TCP and coupons on the payment of tax on. Actually, before a technical inspection, prepare a car: full washing, checking headlights, janitors, turn signal, sound signal, medical first -aid kit, fire extinguisher and emergency sign. The safety of your car is its serviceability. The duties of traffic police officers also include tracking the safety and serviceability of your vehicle. There are state requirements and laws whose standards must comply with the owners of the vehicle. According to the rules that entered into force in 2007, the owner of the newly made car must go through the first year from the date of its assembly cars and vehicles younger than seven years should be inspected once every two years. If a car is over seven years old, then it is inspected once a year. If the vehicle is intended for transportation of more than 8 passengers, then once a half years. Checking for error 1320 Nissan consists of: checking the brake system, if there is an ABS and automatic brake forces regulator. The permissible deviation from the course is 70 cm; checking the state of steering. The backlash should not exceed 10 degrees; inspection of light devices, emergency alarms, janitors and glass townspeople; presence of blue light lamps; proper size of tires and tread; check for the release of CO, CH is carried out at idle and increased speeds. The content of harmful substances should not exceed the norm; tightness of the fuel tanks. Liquid systems are also checked; the performance and condition of the door locks; the state of emergency exits from the vehicle; checking the safety belts and other safety elements of road users; marking of units and their compliance with the requirements. After inspection for error 1320 Nissan

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