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Than attractive Cummins engines

  • 9-01-2019, 20:45

Than attractive Cummins engines

Since the distant 1919, Cummins (Cummins) has occupied a leading position in the American market for diesel engines for cars and diesel generators. Recently, the concern’s products are successfully competing in other regions, and subsidiaries are located almost around the world. Including there is an official Bosch dealer in Naberezhnye Chelny, offering Summins engine. The duration of the success of the corporation is primarily due to a non -standard approach in solving technical and organizational issues. All technical solutions laid down in Cummins products are their own developments. As for spare parts, the situation is completely similar. These two factors made it possible to achieve complete technical, organizational and financial independence. Cammins Corporation produces and serves engines of various classes, the main representatives of which are representatives of the ISL, ISM and ISX series related to the eighth grade. The representative of low -power and lightest engines is the ISL series. The power of these also the quietest engines is approximately 300 horsepower. They have a NH 40 turbocharger, whose graduation tract is regulated. The stability of the work is provided by a well -thought -out and reliable cooling system. Due to the inconsistency of this class by environmental standards of Europe, they are mainly present in the market of America. The Euro-3 requirements comply with the ISM series, which is represented by medium (up to 450 horsepower) power. Moreover, they are also considered leaders in the issue of efficiency. Among the technical solutions, the system of compression braking and turbocharger should be distinguished. These engines are distinguished by high acceptance and convenience of control. The power of the ISX series engines can reach 565 horsepower. They use a turbocharger, the nozzle of which can change its geometry, as well as a special upper camelor system developed by Kamminza specialists. The use of a special recirculation system brought representatives of this class into the category of the most environmentally friendly diesel engines. The prestige, reliability and efficiency of Kammins products was especially marked by the Government of the United States. More than 70 percent of state technical means, including schoolchildren buses and communal equipment, use branded Cummins engines.

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