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His colleague Alexander

  • 27-06-2018, 17:43

The products of the Belarusian MAZ were appreciated by visitors to the 12th in a row of the international exhibition "Comtrans 2013" in Moscow. Advanced development of commercial vehicles are located in the popular Crocus Expo exhibition center.Hundreds of eyes were chained to a modern model for passenger transportation within the city - MAZ 203, including other ones presented at Comtrans 2013. Large -class bus has a powerful MAN D 0836 LOH 64 marking engine and ZF MAZ MAZ MAZ 6 AR 1200V. The design of the vehicle was created taking into account the maximum comfort of passengers. All conditions have been created for transporting passengers with disabilities. The guests did not go around their sympathy and the racing car belonging to the sports brigade of the plant. In the summer of this year, the team demonstrated excellent indicators in the framework of international competitions called Silk Road-2013. In particular, Sergey Vyazovich with his crew completed the race with the third result, and his colleague Alexander Vasilevsky, together with his partners, finished in the sixth place in the “Trucks” category.It is known that the sports team of the plant appeared only three years ago-in 2010. However, it is difficult for children to be called beginners, because they have participated in authoritative rally, including the mentioned "Silk Road". In addition to him, the team “lit up” in the “Siberian Track”, “Mamaev Kurgan” and, perhaps, in the most famous automobile sport event - “Dakar”.

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