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Sharply, especially, this

  • 6-07-2018, 13:38

And yet, if you feel that the car begins to be entered, in no case do not drop the gas very sharply, especially, this cannot be done when turning. On the contrary, an adjustment in the movement of the car is necessary: the steering wheel turns towards the drift and gas is smoothly added. Thus, the traction effort on the front -wheel drive increases and is more, increased adhesion of the wheels with the road is made. Remember that with a reduction in gas, the car can be returned to the original state and directed in the right direction, and with a sharp increase, the situation is only aggravated. It is necessary to turn a rotation, driving a car in the so -called “stretch”, determining by speed and, gradually increasing it. An important role, in the control of a car with front -wheel drive, plays the degree of wear of rubber and the pressure of the uploaded air inside the chambers. In time, the changed tires, with a distinct and deep protector, contribute to the maximum clutch of the wheels with the road surface and eliminate the sliding during movement. Do not be lazy, and each time, before leaving, check the pressure by the manometer, if necessary, pump up. Many drivers relate to this with frivolity, but, even a slight deviation, can seriously affect the management of the machine.

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